This second-hand Louis Vuitton handbag embodies the timeless elegance of the brand. This bag Pouch is rated as condition AB or Good Condition. This means that the bag shows signs of frequent usage. The leather can have small spots or discolorations, which give the bag a beautiful patina. This product has been carefully reviewed by a Brand Connection expert and will be delivered with a signed certificate of expertise. Crafted in Louis Vuitton's iconic coated canvas, it offers exceptional durability while maintaining a luxurious appearance. The exterior of the bag features a zip closure, ensuring the security of your personal belongings while adding a modern touch. The hand-carry option gives a sophisticated and practical look to this bag, perfect for various occasions. Inside, a simple pocket and a compartment provide organized space for your essentials. The craftsmanship quality of Louis Vuitton is reflected in every detail of this bag, making it a stylish and durable choice. Choose this Louis Vuitton handbag for a second-hand fashion piece that combines style, functionality, and the brand's heritage.